Monday, February 17, 2020

Maximize Music Streaming with Digital Marketing for Spotify through Playlist Placements

Streaming services like Spotify have been dominating the music industry.  Spotify acts not only as a music streaming service but also a platform to expose artists since there are millions of active users and 40,000 tracks being added daily (no, that's not a typo!).

Wouldn’t you like to see these kinds of increases like our other Indie Artists have seen using our Spotify Campaigns?
Web ‘n Retail has developed what we believe is the most comprehensive playlist pitching campaign available at  This service will get your track on REAL playlists with REAL listeners and provide longevity (keeps your numbers growing instead of a spike then a drop). That means more cash in your pocket and more people are exposed to your albums or singles!

We offer a couple of different campaign approaches.  This one is “all-in” campaign and this one is for adding your track to collaborative playlists: .

Web ‘n Retail also provides other services in order to maximize your online presence in the music industry at: