Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Are Your Songs Making Money From Music Video Streaming on Youtube?

Did you know that your songs on YouTube   that accompany your music video (whether a lyric or conceptual video)   pay royalties?  BUT…ONLY IF YOU HAVE AN ISRC NUMBER embedded in your master file. Most musicians (and distributors) believe(d) you only needed an ISRC number for an audio track but those days are over.  You now need one for your music videos IF YOU WANNA GET PAID!

 There’s several different kinds of royalties (all of which is really confusing) but there’s no question that you get royalties for streaming of your music videos (ask your PRO for definition on this). 

 These days, there’s also some new royalties from OTT (“over-the-top”) streaming delivery (ie; smartphones, Playstations, smart TV’s, etc.) – however – no one I asked (and I asked a LOT of professionals in the “industry”) seem to be clear on just how those are being paid or who is paying them.  The most likely answer is through your distributor (Universal, Sony, CD Baby, Tunecore, etc.) and also through your PRO (ASCAP, BMI, etc.). 

 So, regardless of where the money is coming from, wouldn’t you rather be positioning your art to earn you money – than not?  Then get an ISRC number embedded into your video.  It only costs $57.  You can get one here: www.MusicMarketingBYWebnRetail.com/ISRC-Number . 

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